Uncharted 4
Uncharted 4
Prison I co-designed with a background artist named Todd Foster. At the time I was finishing up New Devon and in mid-development of Village and Train-Wreck. Todd did the initial interior section layout since he was the background artist on the single player level and was helpful getting the cellblock and yard area themed.
Once I finished New Devon, the level passed to me. I designed the outer cliffside section with a sniper tower and spent a few sleepless night trying to figure out how the middle would connect these sections without getting too porous.
Since Prison was a DLC, there was some extra time in its development, so I scripted a hurricane that slowly grows more intense during gameplay. Complete with a storm alarm that warns when it’s about to make landfall, gusty winds that cut down visibility, and plants that thrash in the strong winds. I couldn’t help myself.