Uncharted 4
Uncharted 4
Village is a remake of an Uncharted 2 level. The original Uncharted 2 level didn’t test well with the new gameplay mechanics of Uncharted 4, so the level had to be rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up. No copy and paste job here.
Redesigning the level was very tricky because I knew there would be fan backlash if a single thing was changed about the level, but Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 4 are very different games. The major contributors to these changes were the fact that the player movement speed is faster in Uncharted 4 and there is a downstate, where players have the chance to be revived and continue in a fight. Combat encounters were longer, which require more space and the original level didn’t support that.
In Uncharted 2 Village had “spawn closets,” for the initial start spawner locations. I expanded those areas into proper team bases, with three defendable entrances.